
You will find vegetarian and vegan recipes in this section. I don’t use eggs,or animal products like gelatin and will post substitutes that have worked for me.


In this section I will profile and review vegetarian friendly restaurants we find in our travels. I hope this is a good resource for vegetarian travelers!


In this section, I will list, in 5 languages wherever possible, the contents of a typical Indian pantry. No worries if you have no idea what to stock in your pantry - we have a starter pantry!


When we became full time empty nesters about 5 years ago, I would get random texts from my kids asking for recipes of rasam, or chole, or black bean enchiladas, or pasta salad. I found myself sending long detailed recipes in texts frequently and my kids suggested I should publish all my recipes. And, Rasaala was born!

The recipes in this website would be simple, typical, every day ones meant for novice cooks. I will include all the details that a beginner will need to know, including a whole section on stuff you find in a pantry, with names in multiple Indian languages, as well as English.

Most of my recipes are vegan/vegetarian. My intention is to leave healthy, tasty recipes for the next generation.

I will acknowledge sources where I have used another's recipes.

I will only post recipes that I have tried, and even though I eyeball most measures, will try to be as specific as I can be. Since I don’t use eggs at home, I’ll also provide egg substitutions as applicable.
I will also provide tools and techniques specific to Indian cooking, a pantry list of spices in various languages and a list of external resources that I’ve found useful.